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Europe map of the mountains

Europe map of the rivers

Europe map of the towns




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Physical Atlas of Europe

Geography relief of Europe maps,  
clickable mountains and rivers maps,
countries, towns and European Union maps,
Europe cities pictures and landscapes images

designed and drawn
  by Christos Nüssli

Euratlas Europe Maps

Yverdon, Switzerland, r. du Milieu 30

2005 - 2007

Geography of Europe

Interactive Europe Map

This Atlas of Europe encompasses the cultural areas of European history. That is why it displays also the North Africa and Middle-East countries. Consequently, for projection reasons, the Scandinavian lands, especially Finland, are not shown and we apologize for that to our visitors.
The Atlas can be used for education or research. It is divided in 5 different Europe maps: Mountains, Rivers, Towns, Countries and Images. Each page displays an interactive map of Europe and is followed by a list of its major features. You can click on a name and display its position on the main map.
Check the Explanation page for more details. You will find free blank maps of Europe in the Euratlas-Info section.
You may use the images and maps of this website if the euratlas logo remains in place.

Click below to see more pictures of European and Mediterranean towns and landscapes
  Albania   Armenia   Austria   Brussels   Croatia   Czechia   Egypt_Nile_Valley   Egypt_Red_Sea   France_North   France_South   Georgia   Germany_North   Germany_South   Greek_Mainland   Greek_Islands   Hungary   Istanbul   Italy_North   Italy_South   Montenegro   Morocco   Paris   Poland   Romania   Rome   Russia   Slovenia   Spain   Swiss_Mountains   Swiss_Plateau   Ukraine   Wales

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