Links towards other historical atlases on the web
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Historical Atlas of Europe
History Atlases
History sites



General Maps
The Map as History, animated maps for understanding history
Atlas historique de l'Antiquité tardive, Denis Bellemare, in French
Medieval Maps of Internet Medieval Sourcebook, in English
A Roman Atlas, Bill Thayer, in English
Historical Maps of Europe, The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, Austin, in English
Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century,  by Matthew White
Historical and Political Maps of the Modern Age, Joaquín de Salas Vara de Rey
Classical Atlas project, an atlas of  Antiquity
Historical atlas of Europe 1648-2001, by Gerard von Hebel, in English, a beautiful atlas covering the last two centuries, in French
History on Maps, András Bereznay, an historian who is also a cartographer
CENTENNIA, vector historical atlas of Europe covering the years 1000 to 2000
The Darkwing Atlas Project, Europe Map Archive
World History maps, at Korean Minjok Leadership Academy
IEG-MAPS, maps at the Institute of European History, Mainz, in German
One Historical Map for Each and Every year in recorded history
Atlas of World History Map Animation, free historical atlas with 4000 year map animation.
Historic Cities: maps and documents
Old World maps and site plans, from Athena Review
Historical Atlas of Africa, in French
History and Commercial Atlas of China, Chinese and English
China Historical GIS

Northwestern Part of Europe
MAPS OF GREAT BRITAIN, mainly Shepherd, in English
Gardiner's Atlas of English History
Ireland's History in Maps
Historical Atlas of Germany, by Thomas Höckmann
HGIS-Germany, information-system on the development of the German states between 1820 and 1914
Great Britain Historical Geographical Information System
Belgian Historical GIS
Historical maps of Savoy, by, in French

Southwestern Part of Europe
Atlas de Historia de Aragon, in Spanish
Historical Atlas of Spain, detailed maps, Bachiller Sabuco Institute, Albacete, in Spanish
South Italy 800 to 1000, by Tommaso Braccini, in Italian

Northeastern Part of Europe
Historical Maps of Finno-Ugric People, by Osmo Joronen, in English
Historical Maps of St. Petersburg and Russian lands, by Aleksej Shvarjov
Historical Maps of Hungary, in Hungarian and English
Syrena maps, Eastern Europe historical maps
Historical Atlas of Poland, Polish Genealogical Society of America
Slovakia: historical maps
Historical Atlas of Ukraine, beautiful online maps, in English and Ukrainian
Khazarian Historic Maps, by Richard Burd

Southeastern Part of Europe
Armenian historical maps, from "Armenia: A Historical Atlas" by Robert H. Hewsen
History of Georgia, maps and text, in German and English
Balkan History map index,  nice and detailed maps, by Liz Mellish and Nick Green
Maps Relating to Islam's Historical Development, in English
Unimaps, a website specialised in the exploration and the colonial era of Africa and the Middle East

Historical maps - Germany
Historical maps
Germany at the end of the
18th century

World history
Historical and Political Maps
of the Modern Age

History and Philately
History, philately
and geography works