Atlas historique périodique de l'Europe 1.2 Expert
by Christos Nüssli
The Periodical Historical Atlas Expert shows the countries of Europe and Mediterranean basin at the end of each century, from year 1 to year 2000. This version runs only on Windows and offers a maximal zooming level of 1000% together with an index of names and an index of cities allowing a direct access to the detailed map of the requested place. French version.
PC only: Windows 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / Me / XP/Vista. Pentium II 350 Mhz, 450 Mhz recommended. 64 MB RAM, 128 MB recommended. Color monitoring system SVGA. Screen resolution of 800 x 600, 1024 x 768 recommended. 4x CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive for the CD-ROM version.
Main Features
21 historical maps of Europe and the Mediterranean basin from year 1 to 2000 in 4 zoom levels up to 1000%. |
21 historical maps, year 1 to 2000 in 4 zoom levels up to 1000%. |
Maximal map size: 10 000 x 8 095 x 75 dpi. Select map areas bigger than the displayed zone or full maps. |
Glossary listing 6800 entities and more than 2000 cities. Direct click access to the choosen city or country. |
Complete and detailed bibliography. Clear and precise instructions in French. |
Europe and Mediterranean from 15º W to 50º E and from 20º to 60º N.
Read the licence in French
Il est étonnant de penser que ces frontières précises que connaissent les nations actuelles n'ont pas toujours existé sous cette forme. Il n'a pas été difficile pour certains pays d'adopter des identités fortes définies par des frontières créées au cours du dernier millénaire. Dessinez une frontière autour d'un groupe de population et il endossera une nouvelle identité. Cela aura un impact puissant sur tout son environnement et ils considérera tous les autres, ceux qui sont hors des frontières, comme des étrangers. Bernard T. |
Price: € 39.65 + VAT
download 234 Mb |
add € 12
for CD-ROM delivery |
Payment is possible by credit card, PayPal, bank transfer or cheque. |
Direct Download
Click on the purchase link here above. Pay and you will receive immediately a download link with login and password. You will have 24 hours to download the atlas as a .exe for Windows. If you select physical shipping, you will receive, in addition, a CD-ROM copy of the product.