Euratlas-Info 33 December 2010
Happy New Year
On 18 November 2010, at the Social Science History Association Meeting, Marc-Antoine Nüssli presented Euratlas activity to an audience of about thirty researchers in historical geography. The auditors were very interested in our concept. It's worth to notice the discussant raised that the uncertain boundaries should be left blank when attested scientific data are missing, instead of being simply blurred. In fact, the Georeferenced Historical Vector Data allow each user to choose the entities he wants to treat.
You can see here the Euratlas presentation in PDF format and also a more detailed article on this topic.

We have improved the Physical Atlas of Europe. Now, you will find 127 mountains in the orography pages, 124 rivers in the hydrography pages, 319 towns in the cities pages, 69 states for the countries and 12 special territories. Note that the countries of the European Union are all shown within the borders of this wide supranational entity.
Please, update your bookmarks.
PERIODIS BIG MAPS 1100, 1000 & 600
The detailed historical maps of Europe in 1100 AD, 1000 AD and 600 AD are ready now for the Euratlas-Info subscribers. As usual, these maps were made with Euratlas Periodis Expert and this series will continue, of course, at each Euratlas-Info issue. |

As the Euratlas Historical Vector Data are georeferenced, they can easily be overlaid on Google Earth maps. Here are 2 examples. The first one shows the provinces of the Roman Empire in DCCCLIII AB URBE CONDITA, that is '853 years from the founding of Rome' or 100 AD. The second image shows also the Roman Empire in year 100 but with the present day boundaries drawn in yellow. At a highest zoom level, one could also add the modern place-names or roads.
Both maps are available in JPG format for Euratlas-Info subscribers only. |
ATLAS OF ISLAM 1800-2000
The Atlas der islamischen Welt, by Dr Andreas Birken, is now available as hardcover in English (Brill, 2010). It covers the history of the Islamic world from 1800 until 2000. Through 85 maps, it offers accessible surveys on population, history, politics, religion, and the economy. Colonialism and de-colonization are covered for the whole Islamic world, including post-USSR Central Asia. This atlas contains also detailed maps about Iraq and the Gulf Wars, Afghanistan, the Arab-Israeli conflict and the issues of water management. Moreover the index lists variants of all place-names. |

We wish you joy and happiness for 2011.
Euratlas - C. Nüssli, December 2010 |
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