Historical and Political Maps of the Modern Age version 0.95
by Joaquín de Salas Vara de Rey
Price: 22 euros by direct download or 32 euros on CD-ROM
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Demo version
Web version
Price: € 22.00
download 48.5 Mb

add € 10.00
for CD-ROM delivery
selection of world political and historical maps from 1789, and
occasionally from earlier dates, to the present day organized by region
and dates. Most of the maps are in Spanish.
Try the demo
Windows 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / Me / XP / Mac OS / Linux
System requirements
- PC or Mac.
- Pentium 200 Mhz or faster.
- 64 MB RAM.
- Screen resolution of 800 x 600, 1024 x 768 recommended.
- Web browser required. Internet connection not necessary.
Direct download
Click on the purchase link here above. Pay by credit card and you will
receive immediately a download link with login and password.
Main features
- A world historical atlas covering the 5 continents.
- 256 detailed historical maps from 1789 to the present.
- The maps are organized in 18 different sections.
- Each map is offered in .jpg reduced size and in .gif full size.
- All maps are shown on html pages.
- Easy navigation through the 18 map sections.
- Introduction text in English and Spanish.
- Most map legends are in Spanish, some maps in English.
You will have 24 hours to download the atlas as a .zip file. Then unzip it with Windows or Winzip.
If you select physical shipping, you will receive, in addition, a CD-ROM copy of the product.
Get Winzip
Spotlight reviews
"A complete and very accurate historical atlas of our world " Ignacio T.
"I didn't knew what is or what was Gwalior but a fast overview of the
Hisatlas pages brought me to the India section and I got a great map of
central Indian provinces with Gwalior, Bhopal and all these statoids."
Jeff M.