Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe Expert version 1.2
by Christos Nüssli
Price: 39.65 euros by direct download or 51.65 euros on CD-ROM (+VAT)
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Price: € 39.65 + VAT
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Periodical Historical Atlas Expert shows the countries of Europe and
Mediterranean basin at the end of each century, from year 1 to year 2000.
This version runs only on Windows and offers a maximal zooming level of
1000% together with an index of names and an index of cities allowing a
direct access to the detailed map of the requested place.
Try the demo
Windows 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / Me / XP
System requirements
- PC only: Windows 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / Me / XP
- Pentium II 350 Mhz, 450 Mhz recommended
- 64 MB RAM, 128 MB recommended
- Color monitoring system SVGA
- Screen resolution of 800 x 600, 1024 x 768 recommended
- 4x CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive for the CD-ROM version
- Mouse or pointing device Windows compatible
Direct download
Click on the purchase link here above. Pay by credit card and you will
receive immediately a download link with login, password and serial number.
Main features
- Dedicated visualization software for all screen resolutions.
- Europe and Mediterranean from 15º W to 50º E and from 20º to 60º N.
- 21 historical maps, year 1 to 2000 in 4 zoom levels up to 1000%.
- Maximal map size: 10 000 x 8 095 x 75 dpi.
- Select, print, export any map or part of map in any century or zoom level.
- Select map areas bigger than the displayed zone or full maps.
- Glossary listing 6800 entities and more than 2000 cities.
- Direct "click" access to the choosen city or country.
- Easy and fast spatio-temporal navigation.
- Complete and detailed bibliography.
- Clear and precise instructions.
- The license allows you to print 40 monthly copies of
maps for each century.
will have 24 hours to download the atlas as an installation file called
'setup' (setup.exe). Click on that file and the installation
will run automatically.
If you select physical shipping, you will receive, in addition, a CD-ROM copy of the product.
Spotlight reviews
" What a cool map-- AD 900, this is the Europe in which Beowulf was written" Pete
"Check out these maps above. You will find the locations of Serbs
(Sorabi) in 500 AD, somewhere in todays Poland; Then look to lower
right corner in Caucasus and find Albania. You can also find your
tribes too, if interested, as it is the map of entire Europe. Before
Sorabi there was a name Lugii (Lvgii), or Lugari. That means "People of
Forests" , as word LUG, means Forest in Serbian." Alexander
you so much for the wonderful maps of the Roman Empire. I am an
instructor of history and these maps have been a great help to me and
my students. Sincerely" R. David R.
"I am currently displaying your images on dual 22" monitors with 3840x1440 pixel resolution -- and they look great!" John P. L.
"The Euratlas Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe details the
evolution of the history of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East
with a collection of maps from 1 AD to 1000 AD and 1100 AD to 2000 AD.
You might have a general idea about what the Mediterranean looked like
in 1000 AD, but did you know of the existence of the principality of
Tmutarakan or the medieval Emirate of Mosul?" Deanc
"I will now get out my genealogy and history books and go to work
trying to locate and understand how the various areas in my family's
history have changed over the centuries. This has all been good fun and
very educational and I enjoy both very much." Paul V.
" I just spent a couple of hours exploring your century by century maps
of Europe. It was a highly enjoyable experience. As a history buff, I
am stimulated when I come across small places I have not heard of
before - something for me to investigate." A. Luther