Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe Basic version 1.2
by Christos Nüssli
Price: 12.93 euros by direct download or 22.93 euros on CD-ROM (+ VAT)
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Web version
Price: € 12.93 + VAT
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for CD-ROM delivery
historical atlas showing the European and Mediterranean countries at
the end of each century, from year 1 to year 2000. The basic version is
provided in simple html mode and allows the consulation of the maps
directly from hard disk or its directory with any web-browser and under
all operating systems. The maximal zooming factor is 600%.
Windows 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / Me / XP / Mac OS / Linux
System requirements
- PC or Mac.
- Pentium 200 Mhz or faster.
- 64 MB RAM.
- Screen resolution of 800 x 600, 1024 x 768 recommended.
- 4x CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive for the CD-ROM version.
- Web browser required. Internet connection not necessary.
Direct download
Click on the purchase link here above. Pay by credit card and you will
receive immediately a download link with login and password.
Main features
- 21 maps of Europe and Mediterranean basin.
- 1 map per century from year 1 to year 2000.
- Political situation at the first day of each centennial year.
- Spatio-temporal navigation on each html browser.
- 600% maximal enlargement factor.
- Maximal size of a full map: 4800 x 3885 pixels x 72 dpi.
- The license
allows you, to print on paper 10 monthly copies
of maps for each depicted century.
You will have 24 hours to download the atlas as a .zip file. Then unzip it with Windows or Winzip.
If you select physical shipping, you will receive, in addition, a CD-ROM copy of the product.
Get Winzip
Spotlight reviews
"An excellent educational resource for use at home or in school" Brad V.
Periodical Atlas of Europe at Euratlas.com is very impressive. It seems
to be a very valuable resource for history. I want to say that I am
very pleased with your work and I appreciate it very much." Timothy P.
"Hello! I received the Atlas on CD-ROM today. This is a great piece of work! I must commend you on your product." Tony P.
"It had been for almost three weeks to find the ancient city of
Sirmium, now I can point where the site of Sirmium is located through
your information." James S.
"Unfortunately, historical maps on the Internet are relatively rare,
and those that exist are not of generally high quality. Still, a map
such as the following, especially if you have a color printer, is
perhaps more useful than the maps in Palmer, in that you can print up
working copies to mark as you see fit. (If anyone, exploring the
Internet, finds better sites that those above, please let me know.)
https://www.euratlas.net/PHA/big/big1900.htm" Lindemann, History 123b
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