Explanation about the Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe - 1
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Historical Atlas of Europe
Key to maps
Explanation 1
Explanation 2


These maps are forming a historical atlas of a new kind. I did not seek to depict the crucial historical moments but to present the evolution of a continent. Thus it is a cartographic work describing with a regular frequency the countries of Europe over the centuries.

An atlas depicting history by periods
History is an uninterrupted string of insignificant events among which prominent facts sometimes emerge: wars, conquests, revolutions etc. It becomes possible to evaluate the influence of these important movements in the course of time, by comparing them to less determining periods, to "control years" in some way. The Periodical historical Atlas, describes the political status of the European continent at fixed intervals. It therefore represents a list of reference points and permits an appreciation of the real range of important items on the continuation of political changes. Henceforth, stress is put on the precise drawing of territories at one exact instant defined by an arbitrary periodicity, that is the first day of each centennial year.  
The notions taken into account are merely legal, literary or linguistic. I noted in English the official names of the states as they are known, and I distinguished the sovereign states, the semiautonomous entities, the parts of states and the administrative circumscriptions. When information was insufficient, usual names of groups or federations of populations only are indicated. The names of the cities are usually mentioned in local language but, on some maps, alternative forms are used too, in order to allow easier research.


The maps of the PERIODICAL HISTORICAL ATLAS shown on the website www.euratlas.com can be printed with copyright mention, for personal use or for education purpose in state-owned schools. In no case these maps can be sold or used for commercial aims.
The source must be cited in the following way:
© Christos Nüssli 2002, www.euratlas.com

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